Socially Enhanced Email
Social media and email marketing complement each other, unfortunately only 13% of email campaigns today are integrated with social media. Our included Eintouch Share program makes it easy for your readers to share your emails, boosting reader interaction, email visibility, and your subscriber count.
Social Media + Email Marketing = Connected Customers
Beyond including sharing functionality we can build prominent links to your presence on various social media profiles such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Once social media is integrated in your email program you can easily cross promote to help build your email list, Facebook fans or Twitter followers.
Providing great content through your email program, integrating social media options, and implementing this with our well designed email program makes your email marketing efforts a powerful weapon for growing your business.
Enhanced Social Media Marketing Services
We want to make your email marketing program as successful as possible and as such have developed some enhanced social email features that we have branded as our Connect, Engage, and Inspire programs.
Eintouch Connect
With Eintouch connect we will develop a custom Facebook application that will automatically be updated with your most recent email campaign. Your email will be displayed inside of a tab that you have the ability to rename. Users can easily share or tweet your email and your Facebook followers that might not already subscribe to your program can subscribe to your email program directly from your Facebook page.

Connect is a great low-cost addition to your email campaign, increasing subscribers and providing viewers a second opportunity to see your great looking emails.
Eintouch Engage
Engage includes all of the features of Connect as well as three hours a month of social media management and the development of an additional custom tab for your Facebook page.
Engage your followers and subscribers by providing them with additional content straight from your additional custom tab on Facebook. Keep your social media profile up to date by having us post articles, new photos, announcements and new promotions to your social media accounts.
Eintouch Inspire
We want to help you leverage the power of social media and its ability to connect people, to share relevant information faster, and to aid customer service and marketing for your business, the Inspire Package is our full service solution to social media marketing.
Inspire is a custom program designed to be a best-fit for your business, industry and target audience. We help you build a community, manage your reputation, syndicate content and interact with your followers, fans, subscribers. We work to improve your activity, engagement, repeat business, referrals, leads. We help build members, member engagement, and referrals.
Chat With Us
If you are interested in our social email services drop us a quick email and we will get back with you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can give us a call Monday through Friday 8AM - 5PM at (877) 977-3463.